Wednesday, May 27, 2009/6:29 AM
it is so damn dissapointing lah .I failed like hell can ?Wah lao .Sian ley .But cannot give up .Must jiayou !Its not the end of the world what ...Its just Mid year exams .Haha !I talk like real but me myself under alot of stress .Saying all the good things just to make myself feel better .Although it doesn't really make it better at all .DAMN !I regret not studying !!!The best thing in the world that i want to share with all of you readers is that im BEAUTIFULLY GROUNDED TILL THE END OF MY O LEVELS !I suddenly feel like i've got no life sia .My mom finds out about my results .& insist me to go study .She checks my daily schedule &keep track of the time i reach home .I skipped tuition yesterday ,i think i too stress liao lahh ,until i become gong kia . I skipped tuition but i go & seats under my voideck .How stupid can i be ?Hahah !Not exactly stupid okay .Its stressful you know .I bet my other classmates or O Levelmates feels the same .
-ENGLISH (by a few marks)
-Combined Humans
PASSED ;-Mother Tongue-& Art My teacher gave me a target to meet .I promised myself to achieve it .TARGET ;PASSED ENGLISHC.HUMANSMATHSBUT MOST IMPORTANTLY IS A1 FOR MY UPCOMING O LEVEL MOTHER TONGUE PAPERBefore anything ,i would like to appologise as i can't be using the lappy as much as i had to be a little more dissipline & complete all the assignments assigned to me .
To my Darlinks ; Wait for me hor .Soon after i end my Os ,we go crazy again okay .Love you all sia !MUAHS !SIGNING OFF =))
Wednesday, May 20, 2009/7:53 AM
Today i have less to talk about as im down with very high fever .Went to school but i took early departure at 9am as i cant take it anymore .Thanks my belove friends ...Neyh ,let her be .She's just coward to show herself up .Haha !To her ,a defination of clever is by spamming others blog ...But to the rest of us ,its shit !Opps ..If you get offended ,please do meet me after school on friday thank you .Im more than happy to meet you and find out who's the retarded GIRL .I've got my results for my Mid year exams .Gosh ,i did not even fairly sia .I need more revisions ,more and more time spent with my books .InterGrasio is coming ,goodluck fighters .GO FIGHT WIN !CHEY !Personally to my belove Tasha ,hope she win all her matches ,aminn.Tengok ,baekkan aku .GOSH !i miss Hidayah ,Avril ,Nurul ,Qiulian ,Peiyi ,and not forgotten ,ANU ...hmm ,after my Os ,we will surely have an outing together .FOR SURE .=))off to eat my medicines .
Saturday, May 16, 2009/6:36 AM
Thursday, May 14, 2009/1:01 AM
OkAyY ,My BlOg Is So dEaD ...hAhAKz !!
im GonNa rEaLiVe iT So enJOy ReAdInG fEllOw PaLs !!
dEaR ReAdErS ,sOrRy FoR tHe InCoNvInIeNcE .HEH !
mY bLoG wAs DeaD aS iM bUsY sTuDyInG aNd CrAcKiNg My BrAiN OuT oF mYsELf For My MiD yEaR eXaMs ,iN oThEr WoRdS My PrElIm oNe ..DaRm !!
i HaD nO pApeR ToDaY tHaT's WhY i wEnT bLoGgInG ...
HMM ,wHaT hApPeNeD YeStErDay ,WhErE I WeNt AnD wHaT tImE iM hOmE :
i WeNt TuItIoN wItH tAsHa ,eLLy ,MyRa....
TASHA - aku mntk ampun aku lmbt lagy ...hrp ko maafkn aku k kembarku tersyg .
yEsTeRdAy WeNt OvEr To aMiRa's pLaCe ...
sTaYeD UnTiL LiKe tHrEE a.m iN tHe MoRniNg ..hahah !!
acTuALLy pLAnNeD tO tOn BuT sHe'Ve GoT papeR s ToDaY ...
AMIRA - baekk ,bnyk ko peh nk sneak out ...haha !
BaCk To My StOrY ...
bEfOrE tHaT ,mYrA HaD a iNccIdEnT iN hEr hOuSE .I fElt So BaD aS iTs SoMeKiNd Of mY fAuLt . sHe HuRt hEr LeG .
a gLaSS mUg fELL dIrEcT tO heR LeG .
iT wAs BlEediNg Like So BaDlY ...
i DiDnT kNoW wHaT tO dO .
AfTeRaLL iTs My FaUlT tHaT im ThIrStY aNd ShE tOoK ThE wAtEr fOr Me .
i HeLpEd HeR ..
hEr BlOoD dAsHeD OuT oF HeR bOdY lIkE WaTeR Siaa ..
WatCh HeR sLeEp tHeN mY SiS anD mY fUtUrE bRotHeR iN lAw fEtCh Me ..
ToDaY i HaVe No pApEr ...
sO nO sChOoL ...
BuT tOmOrroW i hAvE HiStOrY papERS .GoDd !!
mUsT pAsT oR eLsE iM dEaD ...
K.La ...LaZy To TaLk aNd Im SuRe YoU pEoPlE aLsO lAzY tO ReAd AlSo .
sO lEt ThE pIcTuRe Do ThE tAlKiNgs ...