Tuesday, October 28, 2008/2:39 AM
I want to start working !!!i need cash siaa !!!DAMN !!sYiK CaRiK kEjE TaK dPt2 JeE .mEnGaMoK sAk aKu .urgh !iM aTtChEdd To My BeLoVeD bF ,rAhMaTdAn HaNdS oFf GeRLs ! hIs MiNe .iwillloveyounowandforever.
Monday, October 20, 2008/4:57 AM
Natassia feat ida 
Today my days are so busy . Woke up at 1.15 pm ...heheh!! Was damn late to meet Shaheed ,dewi and XiuHui .Meet them at 3.15 and im 1hours late ! Woow ! Me and Dewi went to Marina to find work at NEWURBANMALE and TOPSHOP .Great or what ?!!
Ha Ha !PeNaT sIoTt !!
aFter that went to Tampines to find work at action city !
padahal dahh tutup dahh lame siaa .
penat siak aku !!
uurrrgghhh !
Dahh2 ,aku nak alek tdo !
Tuesday, October 14, 2008/9:09 PM
Hari raya is so happening for me ! hahaha!!Had alot of fun going out with friends and family .Sorry for the previous post as i dont really talk that much .Hehheheh!!Too tired going out amost everyday for ang pao collection !So ,let the picture talk for me .YeAaAaa!!! im getting myself a pink camera todayy !!!the same as Tasha (my twin okay) *winks*Yesterday night ,had a talk with Tasha bout her unfaithful g.friend that chose a guy over a close friend that she knows for nine years .WOW !Human nowadays just dont know how to treasure FRIENDS ! Haizz ... cheer up okayy my bestie .Had a talk with Khalil too . He's so irritating can !he called me GILER for nothing !!!GREAT or what !!Damn !Im missing every moment of you .i Hope you would stop avoiding me .
Sunday, October 12, 2008/4:27 AM